Fishing Reports
Oops sorry. Bad link in the email, or a lame April fools joke.
Here is the link the the real April 1 Fishing Report.
We’ve been seeing some excellent weather for getting out on the river as days are warming up to the mid-40’s with little to no wind and an abundance of sunshine. If your thing is solitude on the river with the...
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We’ve seen a very dry January thus far and these sunny day and cold nights have gone a long way in packing down the snow here in town making access to the river easier and easier as the snow gets...
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Happy New Year everyone! A Break in the weather this week will continue to open up access along the Truckee River as snow remains a major factor of where you can and cannot fish. Sunny days are in the forecast...
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With a solid snowpack after a record-breaking December, access to our local waters will be very difficult in the week ahead. But those willing to do a little leg work will be rewarded with the shot at some big fish....
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