Fishing Reports
A slight shift in weather patterns this week should make for some improved fishing conditions when compared to the warm sunny days last week. Unfortunately, this is not the significant storm we need to further bolster our light snowpack for...
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With daytime highs expected just above freezing this week, we recommend fishing mostly mid-day through the afternoon after the sun hits the water, allowing water temps to come up and both the fish and bugs to become more active. We...
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Oops sorry. Bad link in the email, or a lame April fools joke.
Here is the link the the real April 1 Fishing Report.
Another week of warm weather has us concerned about how the summer months will shape up if we don’t get any more significant storms. The fishing as of now is awesome, however, so don’t sleep on your chance at some...
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We’ve seen a very dry January thus far and these sunny day and cold nights have gone a long way in packing down the snow here in town making access to the river easier and easier as the snow gets...
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