Fishing Reports
We have yet another significant storm passing over us this week, which will lay snow down all the way through Reno. Here in Truckee we are looking at a few feet over the next 7 days, and access to the...
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The longer days and above freezing temps have begun to open up access along the Truckee here in California. For the savvy anglers, this means we look for areas that have been previously inaccessible in search of fish that haven’t seen a fly in months. The lower river down in Nevada has continued to fish great as the lo
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Truckee got its first taste of spring weather this week, and in typical Sierra Nevada fashion just when you think it's time to put on shorts and a t-shirt, the weather shifts once again. We are getting a couple of...
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With some slightly cooler weather this week we have seen the rapid melt of our less-than-average snowpack begin to taper off and flows are a bit more sustained as of now. With no more weather in the immediate forecast we...
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As the days get longer and we begin to see temperatures stay above freezing, we have seen the river begin to swell with the early stages of spring runoff this week. The small storm expected early next week will only...
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