Truckee Fly Fishing Report June 18, 2021

Truckee Book Trout

The warm weather has definitely slowed the trout fishing this week and for those looking to fish the river, we ask you to limit your time on the water to just the mornings. While the flows on the river are actually great, the water temps have started to rise into the mid to upper 60’s after this week’s heatwave. If you wish to extend you day of fishing as long as possible, use a thermometer while fishing and call it a day when water temps are above 65 degrees. Please also limit the time you hold on to your catch and minimize handling of the fish. When taking pictures, keep the fish in the water and keep it to a few quick pictures. When releasing the fish, do so in fast, oxygenated water.

Lake Cutthroat Trout

There are still good alternatives to fishing on the river and fishing our local lakes, especially those at higher elevation, will remain viable options for most of the summer. Backpacking into areas like Desolation Wilderness or one of the many lakes in the Southern Sierra will be another great way to find ethical trout fishing this summer when other options are limited, the weather sure is perfect for a good hike!  We also have great smallmouth bass fisheries at both Prosser and Stampede, which are great options for the beginner angler looking to get some practice with their hook sets as 20+ fish days for these guys are common. Some of our local bass have been getting up to the 3-5 pound range, are hard fighting and are mostly non-discriminate in terms of fly selection. Remember, we are open bright and early at 7:00 daily so stop on into the shop and get geared up before your morning on the water! 

The Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Please do you part to take care of our wild trout population in the Truckee and please fish here only in the mornings, being off the water mid-day. The trout have a tough year ahead of them and this is just the start, it’s only June!

The fish on the Truckee are mostly looking for the faster oxygenated water at this point and anglers should be focusing on pocket water, riffles and the faster water at the top of pools. Tight line fishing is a great way to fish this fast water, and dry dropper fishing has been improving with warmer weather as terrestrials like ants and grasshoppers become increasingly active. A variety of flies are working as there is a large array of bugs present. We have been doing well using various caddis pupa, PMD nymphs, golden stoneflies, yellow sallies and green drakes and a good drift with any one of these bugs should get you into fish. Fishing remains good along most of the river and we recommend spreading out the angling pressure by trying one of the less popular pullouts along the many miles of the Truckee, there’s fish along this entire river and going somewhere off the beaten path will help you familiarize yourself with different parts of the river and get you into some of the less pressured fish.

Recommended Flies for The Truckee River

Riot Stones #10, Poxy Back Stones #10-#14, Pat’s Rubberlegs #8-#10, G6 Caddis #14-#16, OCD Caddis #14-#16, Caddistrophic Pupa #16, Fox’s Poopahs #16, Splitcase PMD’s #14-#16, Jigged PMD’s #14-#16, TNT PMD’s #16, Iron Sallies #14, Two Bit Stones #12-#16, Pheasant Tails #12-#16, Copper Johns #12-#16, Psycho Princes #14-#16, Rainbow Warriors #16-#18, Lightning Bugs #16-#18

 lake bass in hand

The Little Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Fishing on The Little Truckee remains good as this tailwater fishery maintains water temps in the low 50’s. Due to these regulated flows both the bugs and the fish will be active most of the day and fishing both nymphs and dries remain good. We have been seeing good numbers of PMD’s here in a size 16 to 18 as well as good numbers of caddis in the same sizes but when all else fails LBS or Little Black Stuff, is always a good fall back and using zebra midges or baetis patterns in sizes 18 to 22 usually work. This river can fish well most of the day due to its cold water, but with its overall size it can get crowded easily, so if you see a good number of cars in a parking lot consider moving around which will spread out the pressure from the more popular runs while also making for better fishing as you run into more unsuspecting fish. We have seen consistent hatches of PMD’s throughout the day, carpenter ants will be most active mid-day and the caddis are mostly fishing in the evenings. Tight line nymphing here can be very productive, especially when no hatches are present. Due to its size the hardest part about euro nymphing here is being stealthy and not giving yourself away when approaching the water to start fishing, so stay low and move slow while keeping a close eye on the water to try and spot fish before you start casting, sight fishing for large trout is a good possibility here.

Recommended Flies for The Little Truckee River

Splitcase PMD’s #16-#18, TNT PMD’s #16-#18, Jigged PMD’s #16, Faucci Jigs #16, Sweet Peas #16, Rio’s Raindrops #16, French Nymphs #16-#18, Zebra Midges #18-#22, Juju Baetis #18-#20, Olive Mic Drops #18, Anato-Mays #18-#20, WD40’s #18-#20, RS2’s #18-#20, Fox’s Poopahs #16, OCD Caddis #16, Caddistrophic Pupa #16-#18, Silhouette Dun PMD #16, Hackle Stacker PMD #16-#18, E/C Caddis #16-#18, Snow Shoe Caddis #16-#18, Loco Ant #10, Carpenter Ant #8, RP’s Ant #12-#14

Miles fishing in tube for bass

Local Stillwater Lake Fishing Report and Forecast

Warm weather hasn’t affected the lakes quite as much as the river and most of our local lakes are still offering fair trout fishing and good smallmouth fishing, while the lakes at a higher elevation (think Jackson Meadows area) are still fishing well most of day with the best windows in the mornings and evenings. We have ample stillwater options and most of which can still be good fishing right off the shore. While a boat or a float tube are definitely ideal to cover more water, don’t let it stop you from doing some exploring. Please stop in and let us run you through your options of lakes and we will happy to suggest water based on your preferred species, method of fishing or general area you will be staying in.

Recommended Flies for Stillwater fishing

Ice Cream Cone Midges #12-#16, Zebra Midges #16-#20, Chironocone Midges #14-#18, Pheasant Tails #12-#16, San Juan Worms #12, Gummy Worms #12, Balanced Leather Leeches #8, Pyramid Beach Leeches #8, Balanced Leeches #10-#12, Para Adams #14-#16, Purple Haze #14-#16, E/C caddis #14-#18, Snowshoe Caddis #14-#16, Elk Hair Caddis #14-#18, Carpenter Ants #8, RP’s Ant #12-#14, Morrish Hopper #8-#10, Mimic Hopper #8-#10, Bellyache Minnow #8, Simiseal Leech #10, Woolly Buggers #6-#12

And finally, it’s our 1-year Anniversary this weekend!  Please stop by the shop and say hello – plus – we’ve got a ‘Customer Appreciation’ giveaway happening. Grab a raffle ticket, and then donate to the river fund to get another. We’re giving away rods, reels, packs and more! Check out our FB page for more details.


Thanks!  - Miles and the TCO crew

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