Fishing Reports
As we come into the first days of fall, the weather has been incredible, and the fishing conditions are great in most areas. Plus, the fishing pressure has been light since some angler’s switch gears and focus on fishing steelhead,...
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With the opener for Pyramid Lake happening today, Saturday October 1st, and the Truckee River and local lakes fishing better by the day, you’ve got some seriously good options for fishing right now. We don’t know what’s been better this...
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This week’s heat wave will make trout fishing slightly more limited, but there are always ways to keep that rod bent. For those looking to beat the heat and the holiday crowds, focus on the morning hours, higher elevation areas...
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As Truckee sees the warmest days of the year thus far, the local creeks and rivers will be seeing increasingly warm water temps. We have hit the voluntary closure window for most of our creeks as there is no longer...
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A late spring storm made its way through the area this week and with it dropped around 6-8 inches of snow here in town and an estimated 2 feet along some of our peaks. As the brunt of the storm...
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